Leif Bjermer
Professor, specialist i allergologi och lungsjukdomar
Om Leif
Professor allergologi och lungsjukdomar, Skånes Universitetssjukhus. Seniorprofessor vid Lungmedicin och Allergologi, Lund/
Avdelningschef vid EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health, Forskargruppschef, Klinisk lungmedicin. Senior Medical Advisor Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) / KLINFORSK Trondheim, Norway.
Leif Bjermer — Lunds universitet
Publikationer i urval:
Allergen provocation tests in respiratory research: building on 50 years of experience
Gauvreau, G. M., Davis, B. E., Scadding, G., Boulet, L. P., Bjermer, L., Chaker, A., Cockcroft, D. W., Dahlén, B., Fokkens, W., Hellings, P., Lazarinis, N., O'Byrne, P. M., Tufvesson, E., Quirce, S., Van Maaren, M., de Jongh, F. H. & Diamant, Z., 2022 aug. 1, I: European Respiratory Journal. 60, 2, 2102782.
Applying key learnings from the EMAX trial to clinical practice and future trial design in COPD
Maltais, F., Vogelmeier, C. F., Kerwin, E. M., Bjermer, L. H., Jones, P. W., Boucot, I. H., Lipson, D. A., Tombs, L., Compton, C. & Naya, I. P., 2022 aug. 1, I: Respiratory Medicine. 200, 106918.
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